- 560-acres, private spring-fed lake for 7 to 17-year-old campers. Arts, athletics, water sports, heated outdoor pool. Adventure, arts, gourmet food, yoga.
- High-end co-ed summer camp, sports and arts since 1947. Waterfront program, Creativity Center. Encouraging artists and athletes.
- 60 years of camping in the Reform Jewish tradition. Diverse group of campers, private lake, over 30 activities.
- Co-ed sleepaway camp since 1953. Emphasis on sports, adventure, and water sports on their beautiful lake. Theater, dance studio, photography studio, sports facilities, more.
- Co-ed sleepaway camp grade 2 – 11 with an enrollment of 400 campers is one of the oldest camps in America. Modern facilities meet old-fashioned charm.
- Boys sleepaway summer sports camp ages 7 – 16, since 1943. Programs in sports, horsemanship, and the arts, including the communications and technology program.
- CGI Camp Gan Israel offers Jewish girls a top-quality overnight camp experience in a beautiful setting. Camp sessions are for 2 or 4 weeks.
- 85-acre camp with air-conditioned bunks, dining rooms, Shul, gym, and performance center. Two test kitchens for cooking instruction. Lake, swimming pools, waterslides.
- Girls and boys enjoy separate activities during the day, while still being together as a family for meals and many evening programs. Friendly campers, caring staff.
- Delaware River waterfront access. Jewish heritage instruction. A safe, nurturing, frum Jewish environment.
- 7-week co-ed sleep-away camp. Campers ages 7-16. Sports, outdoor adventure, art, music, STEM.
- Family-owned traditional sleep-away camp for girls in 2nd – 11th grades. Excellent programming and staff make this a top girl’s camp.
- 400 acres, 2, 3, 4, and 7-week options for boy/ girls entering grades 3 – 11. Arts, athletics, aquatics, and outdoor adventure infused with history and culture of the Jewish people.
- Traditional co-ed 7-week sleepaway camp for campers aged 6-17 since 1923. Art, drama, athletics, and adventure.
- Traditional sleep-away camp for boys grades 2 – 11, proud to be one of the oldest boys overnight summer camps in the United States.
- Jewish co-ed overnight camp featuring sports, arts, and inclusive Jewish programming known for its community of campers, families, staff, and alumni from around the world.