560-acres, private spring-fed lake for 7 to 17-year-old campers. Arts, athletics, water sports, heated outdoor pool. Adventure, arts, gourmet food, yoga.
1953’s Camp Lee Mar has brought many innovations to the field of camping for special needs kids. Private 7 week residential summer program for campers 7-21.
Traditional co-ed 7-week sleepaway camp for campers aged 6-17 since 1923. Art, drama, athletics, and adventure.
40-year family-owned and operated co-ed camp on 400-acres of gently rolling hills with a 100-acre private lake.
314-acre lake provides sailing, swimming, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, and paddleboarding.
A 425-acre beauty Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania camp. Recently remodeled, private lake, canoeing, kayaking, and sailing. financial aid available.
Traditional sleep-away camp for boys grades 2 – 11, proud to be one of the oldest boys overnight summer camps in the United States.
Family-owned traditional sleep-away camp for girls in 2nd – 11th grades. Excellent programming and staff make this a top girl’s camp.
Co-ed sleepaway camp since 1953. Emphasis on sports, adventure, and water sports on their beautiful lake. Theater, dance studio, photography studio, sports facilities, more.
Girls sleepaway camp for campers ages 7-16, with 80 staff members from across the U.S. and around the world.