what's nearby


Maurrocks Bed & Breakfast

9.6 on Booking.com, outstanding rating on Expedia, 5 stars on TripAdvisor; reviews are great. They must be doing something right!

Sterling Manor Retreat Exterior and Fire Pit

Sterling Manor Retreat

Huge! Hosts 16+ guests in 8 bedrooms with 11 beds and 4 baths.Game room, patio, grill, hot tub. Bring Fido!

brother brunos pizza inside grandma picture

Brother Bruno’s Pizza

Storefront pizza in a strip mall. Pasta, hoagies. Bottled beer available to drink with your pizza or to-go by the six-pack.

Big Screen Escapes Logo

Big Screen Escapes 1 Mount Pocono

Trapped in 88, Nuclear Family, and Solitude brings great escape room adventures to Mount Pocono. While they encourage all players to join, rooms are designed for ages 13+.


Bistecca by Il Mulino

Chain based on the original in NYC. Abruzzo-style pasta, seafood, steaks. Expensive.


Mi Casa Restaurant

Terrific little Mexican/Latin American restaurant, full bar. Comfy room, family-friendly, good food. Drink specials.