what's nearby

Revive and Refresh Health exterior

Revive and Refresh Health

Revive and Refresh Health helps you improve and maintain your health in a holistic manner, providing safe, effective, non-pharmaceutical methods.

Mountain Laurel Cabin exterior

Mountain Laurel Cabin

Hosts 6 guests in 3 bedrooms with 3 beds and 2 baths. Just gorgeous inside and out. 10 minute trip to Milford. Bring Fido!


Camp Netimus for Girls

Girls sleepaway camp for campers ages 7-16, with 80 staff members from across the U.S. and around the world.

Sawkill Creek Cottage exterior at night

Sawkill Creek Cottage

Perched on a hillside overlooking 1000s of acres of land and two pristine creeks. It hosts 8 guests in 3 bedrooms, 5 beds, 2.5 baths. Bring Fido!


Dwarfskill Preserve

575-acre private wooded retreat, a mile of Class A trout stream, hiking trails, wildlife. 75 miles from NYC, near charming historic Milford. Bring Fido!

jimmy's lakeside pizza pie

Jimmy’s Lakeside Pizza

Sits on the edge of lovely Gold Key Lake with a huge deck. Regular pizzeria menu, soft ice cream.