![pocono boat house outdoor gear adirondack chairs](https://poconogo.com/wp-content/uploads/pocono-boat-house-outdoor-gear-adirondack-chair-748x470.jpg)
Pocono Boat House
- 602 PA-940,
- Pocono Lake 18347
- (570) 646-4107
Pocono Boat House has been specializing in bringing you everything you need for skiing, boating, fishing, and hunting for more than 20 years. From boat rentals to sales, dock installation to boat winterization, fishing lures to accessories, hunting apparel to licenses, they’ve got it. Need outdoor furniture? They’ve got it. The experienced helpful staff is available 7 days a week.
“Ashley was excellent in helping us make the decisions on our new boat and accessories. Their knowledge of lake resort requirements and experience with boater varying needs took care of us from soup to nuts. Great products and great service, including answering all my dumb questions as a beginner in boating and spending time to go over boat features and operating instructions right at our dock.”
“Pocono Boat House is a wonderful experience. Needed to exchange one pair of skis, buy another pair, and rent skis for my kids. The guy who helped me was incredibly patient and helpful. He also gave me a great deal and stayed open late to help me out. Extremely pleased!! Thanks!!!