The Grahamsville Little World’s Fair is the longest running independent fair in New York, hosted by the Neversink Agricultural Society, offering three days of old-fashioned family fun!
Come out to Grahamsville for some old fashioned fair fun and enjoy the crafters, entertainment, rides, food, beer, music, fireworks, livestock shows, and more.
Lots of food, including a truck setup from Neversink General Store.
2024 marks the 144th annual fair which will feature agricultural and livestock exhibits and contests, daily entertainment including live music and demonstrations, rides for all ages, an array of great food, games, vendors, and a whole lot more! Admission includes free parking, access to exhibits and contests, and free entertainment.
The price is $8, with agest 5 – 11 coming in for $5. Seniors and kids of ages 5 and under are admitted for free. It’s open ’til 11 on Friday and Saturday and closes at 6 on Sunday.
It’s located at 8230 State Route 55 in the Grahamsville Faigrounds in Grahamsville, New York.
Grahamsville is a hamlet at the junction of NY 42 and 55 in the Town of Neversink.